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Our Staff

Nicole Poirier
Executive Director

Nicole Poirier is the Executive director and cofounder of NSCT. While working on her BA in Theatre and English at Salem State, she began the genesis of the company, directing five shows a year. After completing her masters in Child Development at Tufts University she decided to take the company to the next level and reached out to three of the Marblehead Public Schools which now contract NSCT to run their theatre programs. Now NSCT produces over ten shows a year reaching over 400 children each year.

Rachel Lurie
Music Director

Rachel is the Assistant Director and Associate Artistic Director, and has been with NSCT since its creation in 2010. She started as an actor, starring as Belle in Beauty and the Beast, but quickly moved up in the ranks and joined the staff. She earned a Bachelor of Arts from Emerson College in marketing communications, and helps manage NSCT's social media accounts. Some of her favorite NSCT shows are Beauty and the BeastOnce on this Island, Newsies, and Little Women.

Janenne McCoy

Janenne trained at Lorraine Spada School of Dance as a competitive dancer, where she now teaches and choreographs. She graduated from Regis College with a B.A. in Biology and was the president of Regis Dance Company. She has been choreographing & dance instructing at NSCT since 2016. Her favorite shows include Once on this Island, Peter Pan, and Seussical. Janenne loves sharing her passion for dance with the NSCT family.

Kate Resnek
Stage Manager

Kate has been a part of the NSCT family ever since our first production of Beauty and the Beast, as Babette. She has been a part of many NSCT shows, including Winifred in Hocus Pocus, Princess Fiona in Shrek, and Inigo Montoya in The Princess Bride. She is a graduate of Boston University with a degree in Film & Television Studies. Her favorite productions thus far are Honk!, Shrek, Frozen, and Newsies. Kate is thrilled to be working on the other side of the stage, managing shows, and watching NSCT grow and perform.  

Kayleigh Doucette
Scenic Designer

NSCT has been a part of Kayleigh’s family for as long as she can remember, and she feels
honored to officially be a member of theirs! As an artist, Kayleigh lent a hand with different scenic projects throughout the years, but the first show she designed and executed in its
entirety was The Lion King Jr. This fall she worked on Hocus Pocus, which resulted in creating some of the art she is most proud of in her life. She is constantly in awe of the magic happening at NSCT and is excited to continue creating worlds for the players to exist in.

Jake Lendall
Production Manager

Jake Lendall is the Production Manager for NSCT. He joined the NSCT team in 2012 and has since created a registration and billing system specifically designed for arts related nonprofits. While the office is where he spends most of his time, he is no stranger to directing and stage management and often takes on those role additionally.  Some of his favorite productions include Honk, Aladdin, and Shrek.

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Matthew Giallongo
Music Director 

Matthew Giallongo, baritone, has been hailed as having “a beautiful voice and singing with great depth of feeling” (KileSmith, composer). Matthew is from Beverly, MA and has had the joy of working with the North Shore Children’s Theatre in the past. Currently he is a doctoral candidate at the College Conservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati.  A dedicated music educator, Matthew served on the faculties of Colorado State University-Pueblo, the MagnoliaMusic Studio-Old Town in Fort Collins, CO, the Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp in Twin Lake, MI, and as the head of the voice/theatre department at Camp Encore/Coda in Sweden, ME.  His favorite roles include Papageno (Die Zauberflöte), Nardo (La finta giardiniera), Belcore (L’elisird’amore), and Picasso (After Life). Matthew holds a B.M. in Music Performance from Gettysburg College, an M.M. in Vocal Performance from Temple University, and an M.M. in Vocal Pedagogy from Colorado State University.

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